Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Pleasant Surprises

Someone recently called me a pleasant surprise. This is actually a good thing. It gives me hope and a small measure of comfort. It means that whatever I'm doing now isn't all that bad. It means that even if she wasn't expecting it--she's happy. I'm not normally like this (and my friends can vouch for that) but when I'm with her...everything changes.

I love it when she holds my hand.
I love it when she looks at me and just smiles without saying anything.
I love it when she just rests her head on my shoulders.
I love the way she laughs or giggles. (even if she won't/can't tell you why)
I love her quirks--both good and bad (not that there are any).
I love the moments we spend together--just distractions no bothers.

I just love everything about her.

Yes, see me smitten. (and I wouldn't have it any other way^^)

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