Monday, March 29, 2004

The Here and Now

Life has a funny way of balancing things. The happiest moment of my life this year was when I got together with Tin. Then in one sudden change, I've been given one of the most trying times ever. I just lost my wallet in a cab (stupid me). It contained all my money. I kid you not, all my savings (not much since I was a bum for 3 weeks) gone in a flash. I'm now absolutely broke until I get paid in 30 days by my new company. What this means is that I can't even go to work since I have no money for transpo. (and I can't even be absent ever-one absence and it's hello termination)

Despite this, I still say it's all worth it (if this is a karmic thing trying to balance the good and the bad--I'd still say being with Tin is priceless.) I just got the sweetest letter from her yet. I'm overwhelmed. How can you love someone this much? To me she is perfect and my wasted heart will love her forever (apologies to Love Actually).

Updated my friendster picture btw.(this picture never fails to cheer me up--we just look soo damn happy and perfect together!) All I need to do to is take one look at it and I smile.

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