Saturday, May 22, 2004 update!

not much of one. needless to say a lot of things have happened but its too tedious to chronicle it all here (which is actually the point of having a blog i know =P)

well lets make an attempt:

I got a new phone (yey!) Blew most of my paycheck on this one..bleah. I really hate this since it leaves me with no money to spend on my favorite comics. *sigh* (I will get back to purchasing them soon...)

Saw some funky movies...Van Helsing was funky haha (I compare it to that funky smell that grows on your socks after wading thru a flood...) --my god the dialogue was simply so cheesy =P Troy was ok. Not at all historically/literally accurate but what the heck hehe-- Gwapo naman si papa Brad eh (am kidding hun--don't whack me)

Am somehow back playing RO (not regularly tho)messed up character build but still fun ^^

Gehenna expansion came out for VTES. Kick ass set. Lots of new and interesting cards--fun fun.

Celebrating 2 months with Tin soon (yihee) I owe her some letters =P

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