Sunday, April 10, 2005

Breaking News! (of the non-pope variety and no it ain't about the royal wedding either)

OMG! OMG! OMG! Goodwill bookstore has a sale on all pocketbooks! It ain't just your regular sale either...non of that 10-30% off crap, it's a whopping 80% off!!!!!!

Just pause a bit and think about that. 80 FRIGGIN PERCENT.

I actually bought around 8 books (total cost over a thousand) and was only charged like 300 pesos!

Tin got a book priced at around 300 something and was charged 45 bucks! That's insane! (also actually a bit scary since I think this means Goodwill won't be selling pocketbooks anymore--just school supplies and textbooks)

Must check out the SM North branch and the Makati one... (i got my stash from the MegaMall branch--)

I'm raiding all the fantasy/sci-fi novels...(and some of the crime stuff)

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